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Artist's Residency

From July 4th to August 19th, I took part in an initiative offered by Lancaster University to be an artist in residence on the Global Health Programme in Ghana. I accompanied the Public Health and Biology students and sketched their actions and investigations. The main purpose for my presence was to explore the potentials for art and science collaborations, and to show that the subjects are not mutually exclusive. I enjoyed every opportunity to expand my knowledge and experience, in a scientific environment and reflecting on my own artistic practice.

  1. Gloria

    Giving thanks through art to the wonderful Gloria Yankson, our supervisor at our internship at Cancer Connect GH

  2. Anthony

    An inspirational man, Anthony graduated university while being treated for head and neck cancer. He was so open about his experience and always willing to answer our questions.

  3. Gloria

    This excercise helped me to appreciate the social impact an artwork can have outside of a gallery space. I left all of these works in Ghana with their subjects, to spread my work outside of the UK, and to positively impact people with my art

  4. Local is global is local

    A piece done in response to Lawrence Were PhD's philosophy of connecting every local action to a global community.

  1. Health in Ghana conference

    Studying each of the speakers who represented companies within the health sector aiming to improve the health systems in Ghana

  2. Health in Ghana conference
  3. Health in Ghana conference
  4. Health in Ghana conference
  5. Health in Ghana conference
  6. Health in Ghana conference
  1. Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park
  2. The scenic walk to the hotel
  3. By the pool enjoying the hot weather!
  4. The view from the rooftop at the A&C mall campus

    The red building in the distance is the Lancaster University Ghana Foundation campus

  5. Cancer Connect hospital visit

    About to go into the Pediatric Oncology unit at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

  6. Boat ride

    Akosombo damn

  7. Across the river
  8. A local captured in bright clothes riding his bike
  9. Meeting Bianca Manu

    We had a great talk with curator Bianca Manu who has worked with the Wellcome Institute in London. Science and art collaboration was the main topic of conversation, she was keen to keep a strong connection with future artists on this residency

  10. At the campus

    Group work exploring social determinants of health in Ghana

  11. Shai Hills

    Beautiful zebras in the wildlife reserve

  12. Shai Hills
  13. Shai Hills

    Ostrich close up!

  14. Shai Hills

    Close up of the rough skin of an ostrich

  1. Process (2018) Watercolour on paper

    Investigating the gestures and actions within a lab setting. I was very interested to see how every procedure had to be done through sterile latex gloves, but the students gave them little appreciation.

  2. Process (2018) Watercolour on paper
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